See your psychiatrist in the office or online
Dr. Gundu Reddy is a Board Certified Online Psychiatrist with ten years of experience practicing forensic psychiatry and fifteen years of experience practicing clinical psychiatry.
GABA Telepsychiatry is a unique practice, where the psychiatrist offers the closest possible approximation to traditional psychiatric services in a telepsychiatry format.
All affiliated practitioners are the US-licensed, trained, and insured psychiatrists, who are screened, verified, and are known to follow US Psychiatry guidelines and standards of care. Safe, ethical, legal, and effective psychiatric services are ensured.
The purpose is to provide the highest quality care to patients, who otherwise would not be able to access care from the psychiatrist of their choice, either because of geographic location or scheduling difficulty.
Effective business processes, efficient back office, and software automation allow more extended visits and a stronger focus on patient care.
Services are provided by a psychiatrist through a HIPAA compliant video platform as if you were in the office. Patients are not treated via phone or text message.
The same practices and guidelines are followed as an in-office visit, achieving the same results and safety standards. We are not a ‘text your psychiatrist,’ or ‘therapy on demand,’ app.
Peer psychiatrist networks provide guidance and supervision, and we offer comprehensive services with medication management, psychotherapy modalities, as well as screening for medical causes of illness.
Traditional practice model and standards of care are combined with some concierge features including:
Medical provider liaison, more extended patient visits, and your dedicated liaison to assist with scheduling, billing, lab work, and prescriptions.
Psychiatric treatment protocols have been developed and refined over hundreds of years, through trial and This is why it is essential that they are adhered to where possible .
Before the emergence of telemedicine the only option was to see a psychiatrist was in the office. Although telepsychiatry is a more practical option for most people, it important not to lose quality of care when conducting psychiatry visits in a telemedicine setting. Ideally a telepsychiatry visit should be the same as an office visit. exactly the same rules, regulations and standards of care should apply.
Some concierge features which have been added, include the dedicated liaison for assistance with billing, scheduling, lab work, and prescription, as although automated, requires more patient initiative than an office visit.
Slightly longer psychiatrist visits return to a more traditional model and are one of the benefits of the private and group psychiatrist practice model over large clinics and hospitals, where layers of corporate overheads and insurance cuts leads to shorter patient visits to cut costs.
Traditionally, patients would sometimes travel for hours to see a psychiatrist. If unable to attend their appointment, they will still be charged for the visit.
Patients would have to use up their sick days or take time away from their business to attend appointments. Finding a psychiatrist on evenings or weekends was hard. People who traveled for work or took long summer vacations would have to miss appointments and would have trouble obtaining prescriptions.
It is essential that patients are not punished for having a productive and full life. The goal is to provide high-quality treatment for everyone, regardless of their lifestyle or location.
Billing, scheduling, and inquiries can be conducted through a patient portal. Prescriptions can be sent directly to the local pharmacy via Electronic Health Records, or can be mailed to the home. A dedicated liaison is available for assistance should there be difficulty with any of these processes.
Psychiatric treatment protocols have been developed and refined over hundreds of years, through trial and This is why it is essential that they are adhered to where possible .
Before the emergence of telemedicine the only option was to see a psychiatrist was in the office. Although telepsychiatry is a more practical option for most people, it important not to lose quality of care when conducting psychiatry visits in a telemedicine setting. Ideally a telepsychiatry visit should be the same as an office visit. exactly the same rules, regulations and standards of care should apply.
Some concierge features which have been added, include the dedicated liaison for assistance with billing, scheduling, lab work, and prescription, as although automated, requires more patient initiative than an office visit.
Slightly longer psychiatrist visits return to a more traditional model and are one of the benefits of the private and group psychiatrist practice model over large clinics and hospitals, where layers of corporate overheads and insurance cuts leads to shorter patient visits to cut costs.
Traditionally, patients would sometimes travel for hours to see a psychiatrist. If unable to attend their appointment, they will still be charged for the visit.
Patients would have to use up their sick days or take time away from their business to attend appointments. Finding a psychiatrist on evenings or weekends was hard. People who traveled for work or took long summer vacations would have to miss appointments and would have trouble obtaining prescriptions.
It is essential that patients are not punished for having a productive and full life. The goal is to provide high-quality treatment for everyone, regardless of their lifestyle or location.
Billing, scheduling, and inquiries can be conducted through a patient portal. Prescriptions can be sent directly to the local pharmacy via Electronic Health Records, or can be mailed to the home. A dedicated liaison is available for assistance should there be difficulty with any of these processes.
Most Americans are not aware that their symptoms are treatable and continue to suffer in silence despite prolonged misery or disability.
Millions of Americans suffer through no fault of their own despite having access to care. The result of which is that people suffer from poor work performance, relationship problems, marital discord, health problems due to inability to care for themselves. Most people who are motivated to receive treatment will find that their symptoms can improve with a combination of medication, psychotherapy, and close medical management even if a partial resolution of symptoms can lead to a dramatic improvement in the quality of life and reduction in suffering.
Many patients find it hard to get immediate access to a psychiatrist when most needed. Obtaining urgent psychiatric care online can help with immediate stabilizations, preventing time off work, immediate resolution of symptoms, and can sometimes prevent hospitalization. Urgent psychiatric care can include acute treatment of insomnia, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and OCD.
A GABA tele-psychiatry staff member will be assigned to you to help you fill in the online questionnaire and liaise with your primary care doctor.
You will see the Psychychiatrist for a comprehensive evaluation.
You will fill in our online intake forms. If you’re having difficulty filling in our questionnaire online, you may ask to be connected to a staff member either by phone or via our secure tele platform and he or he will help you fill in your paperwork. We will connect you to Gaba Tele-psychiatry’s video platform
We will collect your medical records from your primary care provider. If you do not have a primary care provider, we will help you connect to a local provider or urgent care franchise, (if you are traveling) which will accept your insurance.
A Gaba Tele-psychiatry dedicated staff member will help you navigate the process of scheduling, filling in of intake forms, payment, obtaining prescriptions, bloodworms & medical records.
Medical evaluation will include nutrition and hormonal factors affecting mood as well as screening for underlying medial problems causing mood distrurbance.
There will be an optional nutritional evaluation where you will be asked to keep a food diary:
Gaba Tele-psychiatry does not prescribe expensive supplements. Most patients rarely need to take anything more than omega 3, multivitamins, which can either be bought over the counter at your local pharmacy or may be covered by your insurance.
We may prescribe extra supplements if there is a specific deficiency e.g. iron or folate, vitamin D or thiamine- depending on the deficiency. We also monitor correct control of diabetes, factors in your diet which may be causing fluctuations in blood sugar and factors affecting your mood and anxiety levels. This is all a very important part of the initial evaluation.